The night starts here... forget your name... forget your fear...
You drop a coin... into the sea... and shout out "Please come back to me"...
You name your child... after your fear... and tell them "I have brought you here"...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Enochian- the language of Angels

My obsession with languages has yet to leave me- recently I have begun to learn French- a truly romantic yet horribly sounded when spoken wrongly...and I have being speaking it very wrongly it the past few weeks- I never realised how bad it could sound when I was surrounded by native speakers.
But anyway there is one language that I would be ecstatic to learn, only for its symbolism, but alas it will never some to pass as i don't believe anyone can actually speak it.

This language is Enochian, that language of the angels- or at least it is according to John Dee and Edward Kelley...

taxi xoxo

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